Spontaneous reductions in vaginal acidity

 Spontaneous reductions in vaginal acidity and lactobacilli are not caused by a single pathogen, but by a combination of both. The definition of "bacterial vaginosis" is explained by the peculiarities of the development of the disease. The pathogenic process occurs with the participation of a large number of aerobic and anaerobic microflora. The peculiarity of the pathology is the absence of leukocytes (cells that are elevated only during inflammation).

How does it develop

Bacterial vaginosis.

Replacement of the physiological environment of the vagina by pathogenic microorganisms occurs under the influence of a wide range of adverse factors. They are associated with interventions on the organs of the genital system, lifestyle, and dietary habits.

From the moment the vaginal flora changes (after entering it by Gardnerella) and before the first symptoms appear, it may take from a few days to 2-3 months or even six months. In very rare cases, the incubation period has taken more than 1 year. The determining factor in this matter is the state of the immune system of the woman. The weaker the protective properties of the body - the more pronounced the symptoms of pathology and earlier it appears.

Risk factors

With a high degree of probability, bacterial vaginosis develops in women for whom are relevant:

Frequent stress, psycho-emotional problems

Recent surgical interventions or instrumental diagnostic procedures on the organs of the urogenital tract

Cystic neoplasms in the organs of the urogenital system (regardless of their number, size, localization, or the cause of their development)

Use of drugs that contain nonoxinol-9 (e.g., Patentex Oval, Nonoxinol)

Condition after a recent childbirth (especially a complicated one)

Wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics

The beginning of the menstrual cycle (a period of hormonal changes negatively affects the vaginal mucosa, making it vulnerable)

Uncontrolled or unreasonably prolonged use of drugs of hormonal, anti-inflammatory, antifungal properties. This is particularly true for the use of antibiotics.

Radiation or chemotherapy (for tumor diseases)

Inadequate nutrition, grueling diets

Use of low-quality detergents

The risk group for the development of Gardnerella includes women who perform excessive douches, do not perform hygienic procedures, overcooling. Latex intolerance, hypersensitivity to lubricants, spermicidal creams negatively affect the condition of the vaginal mucosa.

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