Ultimate Meditation Kit

The earliest documentation of meditation stems as far back as 5,000 BC India, where it was born as a spiritual technique and religious teaching in Hinduism. The tradition was passed on primarily through word of mouth, and forms of the practice were eventually developed in Taoism and Buddhism in approximately the 6th to 5th centuries BCE, to name a few. The technique comes in many forms depending on your lifestyle and needs. The most common types of meditation include: Focused meditation: If you’re looking to cultivate more focus in your daily life, this approach can help guide your attention and keep your mind from wandering. It involves using your senses to concentrate — think focusing on a specific sound or counting prayer beads. Mantra meditation: This type of meditation centers on repeating a sound, phrase, or word (such as “om”) to help clear the mind. By chanting quietly or loudly over and over, you’ll be more in tune with your surroundings and thus experience a...