What is the best BMI for a woman

While it correlates with body fat levels, BMI does not distinguish between the weight that comes from fat, muscle, and bone. Therefore, someone who is muscular could have the same BMI as someone with overweight. You can use bmi calculator for women with age to calculate your BMI Additionally, the proportion of muscle, fat, and bone in the body typically changes as people age, especially among females. The average female loses roughly 13 pounds Trusted Source of muscle and bone between the ages of 25 and 65, while belly fat increases to four times its previous amount. A 70-year-old female who still weighs what she did when she was 25 may, therefore, have a BMI that falls in the healthy range despite having a much larger percentage of body fat. A high body fat percentage has an adverse effect on health. A 2014 study found that people with a “normal” BMI but a high percentage of body fat had a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Those wit...